Artists & Brands
- 100% NZ
- 47th Main
- Abbey Merson
- Abstract Design
- Alfred Memelink
- Alice & Lily
- Alison's Acquisitions
- Annual Ink
- Antics
- Arcturus
- Art Press
- Ashley & Co
- Auckram
- Awesome Aprons
- Ayurvendic
- Baron Hasselhoff's
- Bateman Books
- Beachcomber
- Bear & Fox
- Beatnik Publishing
- BlueQ
- BLUNT Umbrellas
- CaliWoods
- Camden Co
- Care Cover
- Carolina Trading
- Caroline Gardner
- Cath Tate Cards
- Cavallini & Co.
- Cayro
- CC Interiors
- Cecily
- Charlotte Day
- Chipolo
- Chocolate Traders
- Chronicle Books
- Citrus Green Gifts
- Clare Reilly
- Clay Penguin Pottery Studio
- Clementoni
- Crazy Aaron
- Creativity
- Daily Eyewear
- Dana Kubick
- Danica Studio
- Dawn Clayden
- Designworks Ink
- Discoveries
- DQ&Co
- Dreamboat Books
- Earth Essence
- Ecovask
- Ecoya
- Ek Books
- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Elk
- Emily McDowell & Friends
- Emma Bridgewater
- Equanimity
- Esschert Design
- Esschert's Garden
- Eugy
- Exisle Publishing
- Fair + Square
- Falcon Enamelware
- Floppy Tops
- Florence
- Floss & Rock
- Flower Systems
- French Country
- Galison
- Galistair
- Gecko Press
- Gemstone of the World
- Gentlemen's Hardware
- Get Posh
- Getting Lost
- Giselle Clarkson
- Glenn Jones Art
- Gwyneth Hulse Design
- Hammond Gower
- Hansby Design
- Hape
- Harper Collins Publishers
- Head Start
- Hollie Graphik
- Hollyrose Design
- Honeysticks
- Hot House Homewares
- House of Marbles
- Huski
- Ian Blackwell
- Ian Logan
- icandy
- iDear
- Image Vault
- Ink Bomb
- Jo Luping
- Jo Priest
- Just Great Design
- Justine Hawksworth
- Keith Brymer Jones
- Kelly Green
- Keycraft Ltd
- Kirsty White
- Kiwi General Store
- Knock Knock
- Kuwi & Friends
- La La Land
- Ladybird Books
- Lagoon
- Lamington
- Langbein
- Lanka Kade
- Larsen
- Le Creuset
- Le Forge
- lil Peppy
- Lily & George
- Linens & More
- Lingo
- Little Joys
- Little Love
- Little Paper Hugs
- Little People, Big Dreams
- Little Rob's Press
- Little Taonga
- Madame Treacle
- Make It Dishy
- Mana NZ
- Manuka House
- Mason Cash
- Mdiaus
- Melric Int.
- Mendota
- Merinomink
- Michael Joseph
- Miller Road
- Millstream Gardens
- MIND health
- Misery Guts
- Moana Road
- Modgy
- Mokopuna
- Molly & Rex
- Munch Cupboard
- Museums & Galleries
- Native World
- Natty
- Natural Life
- New York Puzzle Company
- Nil.
- Nostalgia
- Now Designs
- Olive Tiger
- Oratia
- Paper Pottery
- Parnell & Co.
- Penguin
- Pepper & Me
- Peter Pauper Press
- Picker's Pocket
- Play & Learn
- Potton & Burton
- Puffin
- Punch Studio
- Quire Publishing
- Rader
- Raspberry Blossom
- Redback Cards
- Remix Plastic
- Robyn Kunin
- Roger la Borde
- Rogers
- Royal Collection
- RSVP International
- Ryland Peters & Small
- Rākau Press
- samx
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara Design Studio
- Schott Zwiesel
- Science and Nature
- Shane Hansen
- Shannon Martin
- Sheep-ish Design
- Smart Games
- SOCK it to Me
- Spiritual Sky
- Splosh
- Steiner Ceramics
- Stella + Gemma
- Stellar Haus
- Stepa Ceramics
- Susan Haywood Smith
- Sweet Disorder
- Sweetpea
- Tamara
- Tania Tupu
- Te Papa
- Team Kids
- The Aromatherapy Co.
- The Bach Book
- The Furnace
- The Kiss Co
- The Little Dog Laughed
- The Little Import Company
- The Nude Alchemist
- The NZ Surf Quest
- The Unemployed Philosophers Guild
- The White Room Gallery
- Tings
- Tippl
- Toasted Crumpet
- Toodles Noodles
- Topo Print
- Toucan Territory
- Toysmith
- Trade Aid
- Tritex
- Triumph & Disaster
- Tuesday Print
- Tui or Not Tui
- two dudes
- Upstart Press
- Urban Products
- V&A
- Venus
- Viva
- Voodoo
- Walletous
- Wanderflower
- WestCoast Stoneware
- White Cloud
- Wild Bunch Press
- Wilding Books
- Wildside Gifts
- Windy Welly Girl
- Wolfkamp & Stone
- Workman Publishing
- Yes Studio
- Zinc or Swim
- Zorilla